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Her Sweet Surrender (Brie's Submission Book 21)
Her Sweet Surrender (Brie's Submission Book 21) Read online
Copyright © 2021 Red Phoenix
Kindle Edition
Her Sweet Surrender:
Brie’s Submission Book 21
Cover by Shanoff Designs
Formatted by BB Books
Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs
This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.
All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.
Three towels and tissues highly recommended for this book!
Brie has steeled herself for the battle ahead, but she has no idea what lays in wait for her.
In the midst of chaos, she experiences the sweetest surrender in her Master’s arms.
Despite facing heartache and an uncertain future, Brie has never experienced such bliss…
Enjoy These Fun Bonuses at the end of the book:
A sexy novelette about Lea’s first days at the Submissive Training Center.
One of the most favorite scenes I’ve written about Brie and Sir – not available anywhere!
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Title Page
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Coming Next
About the Author
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Happy News
The Rose
Heated Exchange
Toying with Her
Slaying Them
Precious Gifts
Returning Home
Blessed Event
The Plan
This Moment
*A Condor’s Birthday
Other Red Phoenix Books
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Brie lay on the sandy beach while Sir meticulously combed her hair out with his fingers so that her long locks framed her face like the rays of the sun.
“Don’t move,” he ordered once he was done.
She smiled, looking up at the bright blue sky. Practicing a little objectification, Brie pretended she was a platter of sunshine. She didn’t move a muscle as she watched a lone cloud slowly float across the Italian sky, while listening to the waves gently crashing against the shore.
This is pure heaven…
Brie always enjoyed revisiting the tiny island Sir and his father had unofficially claimed when Sir was a boy. It held a special place in her heart knowing how much it meant to him.
But they had created their own memories here, as well. She would never forget the day they discovered the chest, buried for years, waiting for Sir to open it.
Brie closed her eyes, recalling the feel of the expensive Italian wine rolling off her breasts as Sir poured the red liquid over them and then licked it from her nipples. He had then poured the wine over his rigid cock and commanded her to suck it.
She let out a contented sigh.
Brie could still remember the musky berries and vanilla flavor that made up the Brunello di Montalcino wine. It mixed with Sir’s maleness as she ran her tongue over the length of his cock.
“Good girl,” Sir growled seductively upon his return.
Lying beside her, he began placing the shells he’d just collected in a decorative pattern in her hair. When he was finished, he sat back to gaze at her. “My beautiful goddess…”
Brie smiled as he leaned down to kiss her. Her mind must have been playing tricks on her because she swore she tasted the wine on his lips.
“You taste delicious, Master…” she purred.
He pressed his lips against hers again more firmly this time, claiming her mouth with his tongue. Brie’s heart fluttered, her whole body responding to the possessive kiss.
A loud crack, like the sound of a breaking tree, echoed from the other side of the small island, interrupting their intimate moment. They looked toward the sound as a flock of startled birds flew into the air near its location.
“I wonder what that was,” Sir mused, pushing himself back off the ground and getting to his feet. “Stay here while I check. I don’t want you ruining my creation while I’m gone.”
Brie dutifully lay there, delighted to be his piece of art. However, after several minutes, curiosity got the best of her.
Although it would lead to a punitive spanking, Brie turned her head slightly to see if he was returning.
To her surprise, she saw three people in the distance walking toward her. A woman in a red dress flanked by two men. The bright sunlight made it difficult to make out their faces.
Her heart began to race as they drew nearer and she wondered if she should break protocol or if this was meant as a test. Brie fought with herself, denying her instinct to move. She realized her mistake the instant she recognized the woman’s face.
Brie’s blood ran cold when Lilly smiled at her.
“Surprise! I see the little sex slave is all prepared for her journey.”
As Brie scrambled to her feet in terror, noticing the men beside her were Liam and his twin brother.
“How did you get here?” she whimpered, looking past them to search for Sir.
Lilly’s laughter was cruel. “There will be no rescue for you this time, Brianna…”
Brie woke with a start, struggling to breathe.
She turned her head to see Sir sleeping peacefully beside her.
Although it was only a dream, Brie’s heart continued to pound in her chest. The nightmare had felt so real and she had to fight hard to convince herself that everything was okay.
A lone tear rolled down her cheek as she stared up at the ceiling. There had been only one overriding thought in her dream once she realized Lilly had come to kidnap her.
At least Hope is safe.
Even in her dreams, Brie’s mothering instincts overpowered every other thought.
“I’m okay,” Brie whispered to herself, struggling to calm her urge to scream.
She knew her dream had everything to do with last night’s meeting, so she replayed the conversation in her mind.
“I say we kill her and be done with it,” Rytsar growled angrily. “I do not trust the creature.”
There was rumbling among the others in attendance.
Brie shook her head. As much as she feared Lilly, she didn’t want to be responsible for the woman’s demise.
“I’m with Rytsar on this one,” Mary stated firmly. “That woman has no soul. I’ve experienced it firsthand.”
“I’m certain we can find a better solution—” Sir began.
“Moy droog,” Rytsar interrupted, “the creature wanted Hope dead and your wife enslaved. Do you really think she’s changed? We spared her life once, but a snake has no concept of gratitude. Its only instinct is to strike its prey dead.”
Glancing at Brie’s stomach, Rytsar added, “Are you willing to risk their lives—and the babe yet to come?”
“There is a viable solution to any problem,” Sir ins
isted. Looking around the room, he said, “It’s the reason I called this meeting tonight. With so many great minds, I am certain we can come up with an effective plan to ensure Brie’s safety.”
Captain cleared his throat. “Although what Durov proposes is extreme, if we determine there is no other option, I believe it should remain on the table.”
“There will be no discussion of murder!” Marquis Gray declared harshly.
Rytsar grumbled. “I understand you have high ideals, Gray. However, you do not know the creature as I do. If any harm comes to Brie or the children, it will lie squarely on our shoulders.”
“We can’t take that risk,” Mary warned. “She’s completely unhinged.”
Marquis Gray stood up, frowning at the two of them. “I will not entertain the idea of killing the girl.”
Rytsar snorted in disgust. “Do you remember when you insisted the authorities should handle her? What happened, Gray? The creature escaped from jail. If Wallace and I had not planned for it, Brianna would not be here. Eliminating the threat is the only option, as far as I am concerned.”
Brie spoke up. “Since I’m the one facing Lilly’s wrath, I have something to say.”
Everyone turned to her, waiting for Brie to speak.
She glanced at Sir, who nodded his encouragement.
“We have to assess Lilly’s state of mind before we make any decisions about her future. I personally believe people can change. I only need to look at myself to understand that.” She smiled confidently at Sir. “I’m definitely not the same woman who walked into class my first night at the Submissive Training Center.”
“Assess her how?” Marquis Gray pressed.
“Originally, I planned to join Sir and Rytsar because I wanted to see her in person.” She unconsciously laid her hand on her stomach as she continued. “But, with the new baby coming, Sir and I have decided not to travel to Russia.”
Glancing around the room, she added, “But I feel it is important that someone join Rytsar.”
“I volunteer,” Mary immediately stated.
Brie looked at her in concern. “Are you sure?”
Sir shook his head. “No, you have endangered yourself enough where Lilly is concerned, Miss Wilson.”
“I will go,” Marquis announced. “However, the trip will have to wait until I finish the current training session.”
“How long will that be?” Rytsar asked in frustration.
“We’ve just begun the second week, so about five weeks from now.”
The Russian furrowed his brow. “Too long. This needs to be addressed now so we have time to formulate a foolproof plan.”
“Agreed,” Captain stated. “With Wallace currently indisposed, I should be the one to go. I can speak to my supervisor tomorrow and arrange the time off without any problem.”
Brie appreciated Captain’s military experience. She knew he had played an integral role in eliminating the Koslov brothers in Russia. It was easy to understand why Sir had chosen to include him. Captain was not influenced by emotions the way Rytsar was, and he understood the necessity for violence at times—unlike Marquis.
While Brie was comfortable with the idea of the two men assessing Lilly in her stead, Marquis voiced his concern. “It is imperative an experienced therapist evaluate her.”
Rytsar’s eyes narrowed. “What? You don’t trust me?”
“It has nothing to do with trust and everything to do with professional experience.”
The Russian looked to Brie. “Do you agree, radost moya?”
She had never considered it, but Brie liked the suggestion. “I think it will make the decision even clearer for me.”
Sir nodded in approval. “An assessment from a certified therapist would give us vital information.”
“Then I will arrange it,” Rytsar declared. “And, there is only one man I would trust with such a task.”
Marquis asked pointedly, “May I ask whom?”
“The highly respected Russian psychologist Mikhail Volkov. I’ve worked with him extensively in the past.”
Captain spoke up, asking, “In what capacity?”
Rytsar’s answer completely surprised Brie.
“He once headed a shelter I created for victims of sex trafficking.”
“In Russia?” Brie asked. She knew about the one he’d set up in America, but she’d had no idea there were others.
“It is no longer running, radost moya,” he explained. The sorrow in his voice left Brie to wonder what had happened.
Turning to Marquis, Rytsar added, “However, the groundbreaking program Dr. Volkov created is still being used in facilities throughout Russia.”
“He’s an excellent choice,” Sir agreed.
Brie looked at Sir with interest. “Do you know Dr. Volkov?”
“I never met the man, but what he was able to accomplish at the shelter was impressive.” He glanced at Rytsar. “I recall he unfailingly put the needs of the girls and the program above all else—even his own reputation.”
“Da, that he did,” Rytsar agreed somberly.
Brie appreciated learning something new about Rytsar’s past because he was so closed about it. She was certain there was a much deeper story behind the shelter and the reason for its closure. She hoped someday he would trust her enough to share it.
“When do you want to leave?” Captain asked Rytsar.
“As soon as possible.”
Captain nodded curtly.
Brie frowned, disappointed not to be traveling to Russia with them. “I wish I could go with you.”
“It is important that you take care of yourself, radost moya.” The Russian winked. “Be good and I will bring you back something special from Russia.”
“All I want is you, maybe tied in a red bow?”
Rytsar burst out laughing. “Well, I’m certain I can do better than that.”
Brie turned over in the bed trying to go back to sleep, but her heart would not stop racing. Eventually it became too much, so she slipped out of bed and made her way to Hope’s room.
Leaving the light off, she quietly walked up to the crib and stared down at her child.
To her surprise, Hope was wide awake and reached for her. Brie smiled as she picked up her daughter and hugged her against her chest.
Immediately, a sense of peace enveloped Brie.
“We’re okay,” she murmured repeatedly, pushing the visions of Lilly out of her mind.
Happy News
Brie walked out of the nursery with Hope and headed downstairs.
She noticed her phone on the counter and immediately checked her messages, hoping to find one from Faelan. She was concerned about Kylie after Faelan rushed out of their home last night to meet her at the emergency room.
Brie hadn’t heard a word since.
Although it was still early, she sent a short one-handed text.
How is Kylie?
She was surprised when he instantly texted back.
Kylie fainted at work. She’s back home and is sleeping right now.
What happened?
I’ll have her call you later. She should be the one to tell you.
Chills pricked Brie’s skin when she read his text.
Is everything okay?
Everything is fine. Great in fact.
Brie let out a sigh of relief as she carried Hope to the couch and sat down.
Don’t scare me like that! she scolded.
Haha…no need to worry.
She wondered why he was still up if everything was fine but decided not to pry.
I can’t wait to hear from Kylie.
I’ll let her know that. BTW, how did the meeting go last night?
She shivered, still feeling unsettled by her dream.
Rytsar and Captain are heading to Russia to assess the situation.
I should have been the one to go with Rytsar.
No. Your job is to take care of Kylie now.
He paused for a moment
before typing.
How are you handling this whole Lilly situation?
Brie didn’t want to admit she’d had a dream about the woman, so she texted the words she’d been repeating to herself ever since she woke up from the nightmare.
I’m OK.
You know none of us will let her touch you.
I know.
Try to get some rest, blossom. You have a new baby on the way.
Brie smiled and glanced down at her stomach before texting. You should get some sleep too.
Will do.
Brie set the phone on the coffee table and lay down on the couch, placing Hope between her and the back of the sofa. She stared at her little girl, wondering what it was going to be like adding another child to their family.
“Are you going to have a little sister or brother?” Brie asked her, smiling as she tickled Hope’s toes. The giggles that filled the room lightened Brie’s troubled heart.
She suddenly got the chills, sensing a presence behind her.
Brie cried out in terror when she felt someone’s hand on her, just before her mind registered the electricity of Sir’s touch. Unfortunately, her scream startled Hope, causing her to cry.
“What’s wrong, Brie?” Sir asked in concern as he picked Hope up to soothe her.
“I…” She swallowed hard as she sat up, embarrassed by her overreaction. “I had a bad dream. I’m fine, Sir.”
“Was it a dream about Lilly?” he asked knowingly.
Brie nodded.
Sir sat down beside her, lightly bouncing Hope on his lap to keep the baby entertained. Still, his voice was somber when he asked, “Would you prefer it if I joined Durov on this trip?”
“No!” Brie wrapped her arms around him. “You are the only reason I can stay behind.”
“What is it, then?”
She let go of him and sat back, shrugging as she tried to ignore her growing feeling of uneasiness. “Talking about Lilly brings up so many unpleasant memories.” She sighed, smiling sadly. “It’s kind of messing with my head.”
Sir nodded thoughtfully. “I understand.”
Brie gazed up into his eyes and noticed the pain he was trying to hide from her. She suddenly realized she wasn’t the only one suffering.